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Sunday, November 29, 2009

graphic addition

Whoody Tooty! Man what a game yesterday. Luckily most of the ICU waiting room was MSU fans. We all needed something lift our spirits and we made the most of it. The MSU football program looks like it's gonna see a resurgence like the nineties. Maybe even better. I am sorry I missed church at FUMC this morning just to tell Greg Ducker how sorry I am.

Well, Melisa hasn't had much change over the past couple of days. Her arms are getting stronger. So much so that she woke up this morning and pulled every tube she had out. Janet, the nurse, wasn't too upset. The woman must be a saint because she barely blinked an eye. Melisa also ripped off her bandages and wound packing and no one that dresses wounds works weekends so Janet had to change Melisa's bandage and blankets every couple hours most of the day. I helped her at the 11:00 visitation and it was a mess. Not sure what the fluid coming out of her incision is but it looks like honey mustard and there is a lot of it. Luckily it doesn't have any odor.

Her breathing is getting stronger every day as well. The heart and respiratory rate are staying consistant. Because of the ventilator tube being in her mouth almost two weeks all the skin in her mouth and lips peeled off as well as all the skin on her cheeks. She was so weak, until today, that she couldn't reach up to her face so the nurses and I spent most of our time Saturday scrubbing skin off her. That has mostly cleared up now and she is back to her beautiful self. She's been wanting to get a dermabrassion(sp) anyway.

All that being said, Melisa is still very very sick and if recovery is a posibility it is going to take a long time. Her paradox is that her body is too weak to heal the wounds, she can't get any food until the wounds heal enough to process the food and her wounds aren't going to heal unless she can get nutrients to make her stronger. All this while her cancer is growing rapidly. I can't write any more right now. I know God is with me every step though.

I love you all.


Unknown said...

Boo, I love you, am praying daily! I am so thankful that The Lord has given you a Merry Heart in order to handle all this, it does help you cope when faced with overwhelming situations. Was so happy for your Dawgs! We love you all! sissy :)

Stephanie Agnew said...

I love you and Mel, Boo! So sad to read this. I pray constantly for strength and healing. I like Sissy and glad God gives you a Merry heart. I don't know that I could handle all you have handled with the spunk you've shown. Inside I know that you must be a jumbled up mess but you never show it! Give Mel love for me and tell her I love her I think of you all continually and pray for you continually!