Two of history's greatest events took place on this day. First was in 1941 when the US was welcomed into WWII by the Japanese. They just couldn't stand the fact that we didn't want to play in their game. Big mistake on their part, huh. The second was in 1961 when Sharon and Davis Thompson gave birth to their second child. She was beautiful and precious then and, though her big brother has sometimes argued, she has been every day since. She has been an angel on earth for the past 48 years and I know she is going to be mine and Aidan's angel for the rest of our time here.
Thank you Mike and Mitzi for hounding both of us constantly until we went out together. We are forever greatful to you.
As I lay on my little plastic sofa beside her last night I kept thinking "I am George Bailey". (If you don't know who that is you have missed the second best movie of all time up to this point in your life.) I am not a wealthy man by any definition but I have realized over the past year and especially the past six weeks I am rich beyond anything I could have imagined. My friends, my family and my church are more valuable assets than anything I could buy. We are all taught it, all hear it, think it, want it but until you are lucky enough to live it, as I am now, there is just no way to understand how rich I feel. Thank you all so much for making me rich.
BTW- number 1 is Raising Arizona. I made Melisa act out every scenario of the movie during our adoption process.
Thank you Mike and Mitzi for hounding both of us constantly until we went out together. We are forever greatful to you.
As I lay on my little plastic sofa beside her last night I kept thinking "I am George Bailey". (If you don't know who that is you have missed the second best movie of all time up to this point in your life.) I am not a wealthy man by any definition but I have realized over the past year and especially the past six weeks I am rich beyond anything I could have imagined. My friends, my family and my church are more valuable assets than anything I could buy. We are all taught it, all hear it, think it, want it but until you are lucky enough to live it, as I am now, there is just no way to understand how rich I feel. Thank you all so much for making me rich.
BTW- number 1 is Raising Arizona. I made Melisa act out every scenario of the movie during our adoption process.
MOrning Boo and Melisa! HOpe ya'll got to view the snow that we saw was in Jackson Friday,didn't make it to Starkville of course! Your testimony to the love of God and friends is incredible. Happy Birthday Melisa! Prayers continue and abound for you all.
Love, Ellen
Happy Birthday, Sweet Girl!!!
This is why everyone loves the Boo Matthews family. Your are sooo special.
Love and prayers.
My love and thoughts are with you three. Happy Happy Birthday to my friend today!!!!
Tell Aidan we have the blow-up Santa out and waiting for him at our house!
Happy birthday Melisa!
Happy Birthday Precious girl! We have a lot to catch up on! I'm waiting for that day! I love you!
Boo - my mom sent me your blog & told me about the dinner yesterday. I am sending prayers and good thoughts all the way from Scotland for you. Please tell Melisa Happy Birthday from your cuz (Ann Marie).
everytime a bell rings an angel gets its wings! You are the richest man in town Boo Matthews! I love you cuz. sissy
Happy Birthday Melisa!!!!
Happy Birthday Melisa! You are loved.
Happy birthday Melisa.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Boo - you and I share the same taste in movies. Raising Arizona and Its A Wonderful Life are my two favorites. I watch them over and over. Happy Birthday to Melisa! You, Melisa and Aiden are in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you for keeping us posted.
Karen Templeton
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